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“Faith is the conviction to proceed forward in the face of our fears for the sake of manifesting our undreamt potential”

Lonny Jarret,  Taoist Acupunturist & Author.

FEAR IS SAFE sounds like a contradiction because if we are in danger for our lives then in most cases some sort of speedy action is required by us so that we can survive.   

For most of us on the spiritual path we often react to the ancestral fear stored in our DNA as if we are in immediate physical danger. This can through no fault of our own create all sorts of symptoms. Like anxiety, paranoia and physical stress in the body to name just a few. Most disease on the planet today are unconscious reactions and responses to ancestral fear.

This 4 hour workshop with Andrew Kenneth Fretwell will explore the gentle Taoist Internal Alchemy approach of transforming fear into wisdom, and ultimally fulfilling our undreamt and unimagined potential.

 This will be a very Powerful Group Cauldron of Transformatio


1. A simple and easy to learn Qi Gong movement practice to strengthen the Kidneys and Water phase of the life force

2. A Taoist Inner Alchemy Practice to open the lower body so that we have much more space inside of us to be gentle and non reactionary with ourselves when the old ancestral fear patterns show up on our spiritual path.


It is one thing to read and understand how fear is not the enemy but quite another to create an energetic space inside yourself to be able to be non-reactionary and gentle with your fear.

Having a daily movement practice specifically focused on dissolving  ancestral fear is a great resource to have on your spiritual journey and your daily life. 


1. Theory behind the Taoist Alchemy very gentle approach to fear and why it holds the secret to our potential

2. The Qi Gong & Inner Alchemy practices mentioned above. 

3. Guided Audio meditations by Andrew and guided step by step Video of the Qi Gong practice led  by Andrew. 

 attendee will receive lifetime access for their personal practice at home.


Q & A

  • What time does the training start?  1PM CET (PARIS TIME) on the Zoom Platform.
  • Will there be recordings available?  Yes teaching videos, plus guided audio meditations
  • What do I need to attend?  An openness and curiosity about how fear may run your life.